Andy and I had a tentative plan to 'twitch' the Pied Billed-Grebe in Gloucestershire but ended up diverting to the levels when news of a MEGA came out on birdguides and had us whizzing through the Somerset countryside (in my new wheels) to Meare Heath for the Uk's third ever record of a Hudsonian Godwit.
We arrived just after 9am about 90 mins after the news broke to find the new car park at the Avalon Marshes filling fast.
A brisk walk out to the drained lagoon had us joining the hundred or so birders that had already arrived and admiring this North American wader as it fed continuously with its European cousins.
Hudsonian & Black-Tailed Godwit |
A steady stream of birders arriving soon had the admiring crowd rising to several hundred who were treated to not only the star attraction but also Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, Dunlin, Great White Egret, Marsh Harrier and Little Ringed Plover. We also had flyovers of Whimbrel and Bittern.
Great Bittern |
Over the road we also added Hobby, Cuckoo,Whitethroat and another Great White Egret.
Now you see me |
Now you don't |
Back to the car and the new car park was now filled to bursting, just how the 'twitch' would have turned out without this new facility doesn't bear thinking about.
After some lunch at the Peat Moors Centre we headed up to Tealham Moor to look for Yellow Wagtails, it was great to drive along the drove with the roof down on my new convertible, just like being on safari.
The birding ended with a trip to Greylake where we added a late Ruff to the list before calling into the King Alfred at Burrowbridge for our customery pint to celebrate a 'lifer'
A great but unexpected day out.
Year List now 148 species