Monday 21 May 2012

I bet you didn't think you'd be doing that today.....

......As the guy on the UPVC Window ad Say's.
And so it was at midday today the decision was made to go to Herefordshire to 'Twich' the Cream-Coloured Courser that had been found late last night on a Golf Course near Kington. We tried to fill the car but at such short notice it wasn't to be, so it was just Andy myself and Dave who made the 260 mile round trip.
We made really good time and soon we were driving through Hereford, which brought back unhappy memories of a twich we had tried a few years back where we missed our quarry, a pair of breeding European Bee-Eaters by thirty minutes. Still gives me nightmares !
At around 3pm we were making our way up the single track road to the golf course, stopping and reversing for birders/golfers coming down.
We were lucky when we got to the top though as I was able to park as far up as was possible and saved ourselves quite a walk. The golfers were very helpful and pointed us in the right direction so that within five minutes of arriving we were watching this fabulous North African Wader.
Cream-Coloured Courser(Cursorius Cursor)

Cream-Coloured Courser
We also got to see the bird fly showing its all black under wings and then relocated it on the fairway where it gave even better views.
We were also treated to low level flypast by three fighter jets making a terrific noise but not bothering the Courser at all.
We left the site around 4pm and headed for home arriving around 7.30pm (via the chip shop !)

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